Sunday, August 10, 2008

Where do allergies come from ?

Stop Allergies With These Safe, Natural Treatments

Almost everybody has suffered from an allergic reaction at least once in their life. It is estimated that about 36 million people in America are affected.

Allergies can affect several parts of the body at the same time, manifesting as asthma, food intolerance, eczema, dermatitis, hay fever, itching skin rash and migraine.

Just one of these can ruin and limit your enjoyment of life.

How uplifting can spring be if you know it will cause you untold discomfort and pain from hayfever; and how relaxing is a meal out if some of the ingredients might bring on a migraine that lasts for days?

But where do allergies come from ?

Allergies are an abnormal response of your immune system, which overreacts to exposure to substances called allergens.

These allergens can be anything from food ingredients, drugs, household dust or mites and cigarette smoke to animals.

Basically, your body misreads the substance and your immune system reacts as though you have come into contact with a poison.

It then tries to eliminate it from the body, and in this process, your immune system creates substances that irritate your tissues, substances bearing ominous names such as histamine, leukotrienes, interleukins and tumour necrosis factor.

The result is redness and inflammation of the tissues, pain or itching rashes of the skin, runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, diarhea, joint pains, dizziness and even shock that may be life-threatening.

Conventional drugs can cause all kinds of side effects, including some very severe ones. Remember, with allergies, your body's enemy is literally your over-reactive immune system, and the substances it produces to fight off what it mistakenly thinks are dangerous substances.

Histamine is one of the primary culprits in the allergic reaction, causing itching skin rash, itchiness and red patches of the skin. Conventional treatments such as antihistamines are taken following an allergic reaction and work by reducing histamine levels within your body and thereby reducing symptoms.

One of the main problems associated with the use of antihistamines is drowsiness, even though newer antihistamines are less likely to cause it.

However these, as well as older antihistamines, can cause a host of other side effects such as headache, difficulty in passing urine, nausea and vomiting. Rarely, conventional antihistamines may also cause palpitations, and liver damage.

Control inflammation naturally with fatty acids from fish :

The good news is that the inflammation process can be controlled by using natural supplements such as omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. These are the 'good' type of fats found in oily fish, flax seed oil and perilla oil .

An antioxidant to strengthen your immune system :

Certain antioxidants, such as grape seed extract can be used to fortify your immune system and make it better able to cope with the onslaught of allergens.

Grape seed extracts contain natural plant chemicals called bioflavonoids, which work to reduce the allergic reaction. These are just a few ways to reduce allergies.

However, the most effective and fastest ways to blast your allergies away forever are detailed in my ebook " How to blast your allergies away forever !".

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