Thursday, August 7, 2008

9 all natural home remedies for your dry, itchy skin

Itchy skin can be painful and irritating, and it makes you want to scratch it, but scratching it often makes it worse.

There are a number of things that can cause itchy skin, two of the main culprits are eczema and dryness.

The good news is that there are some ways which can help to reduce itchy skin.

Usually, itchy skin is caused by dryness, which is why it is a common problem in the winter. Start by keeping your skin moisturized.

In extremely dry areas, consider using a humidifier to raise the humidity in your home, which will help to keep your skin moisturized and flexible.

You should also avoid extremely hot showers, abrasive soaps, and skin products which contain alcohol and other drying agents.

After bathing, pat your skin mostly dry and apply a rich moisturizer or oil to condition, soothe, and moisturize your skin.

Reapply your moisturizer at several points during the day

In addition to keeping your skin moist, you should also avoid tight, scratchy clothing, which can irritate the skin.

Many people also have itchy skin because they are allergic to something, so stick with natural fibers, try to avoid carpeting, and use mild hypoallergenic soaps and detergents.

Soothing baths can also help with itchy skin. . Keep soothing baths tepid, rather than hot.

Other home remedies include the following :

1. Aloe Vera : This gel-like substance from cut Aloe is widely known for treating skin burns and sunburns.

Aloe vera also helps in healing wounds and minor skin irritations such as an itchy skin rash.

The Aloe plant produces anti inflammatory, anti bacterial, and anti fungal properties.

It also contains folic acid, zinc, and vitamins C and E.

The best way to get the benefits of aloe vera is to use the fresh gel from the plant.
At the time of application, slice off a portion of the leaf and directly apply the gel to the affected area.

Aloe Vera is also great to heal sunburns.

2. Lemon a natural antiseptic which can soothe itchy skin. Squeeze fresh lemon juice onto itchy spot and allow it to dry.

3. Cloves and juniper berries can help to soothe itchy skin, and are often found suspended in salves.

To make your own, melt butter and beeswax in equal amounts before adding fresh ground cloves and juniper berries to the mixture, stirring, and allowing it to cool. Spread it directly on the skin

4. Mint, thyme and basil can also help with itchy skin : Try adding them to a bath, or making a tea out of one or all of these spices and dipping a washcloth in it. Run the washcloth gently all over the body to ease itchy skin.

5. Witch Hazel: Acts as an astringent that relieves an itchy skin rash as well as more serious skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.

Because of its anti-oxidant properties it is also used for treating sunburn. For maximum benefit, use fresh witch hazel bark.

Simmer one ounce of the bark with one pint of water and leave for ten minutes. Strain and cool. Apply with a clean cloth and leave it on for 30 minutes.

6. Calendula Essential Oil : Calendula is widely used for reducing inflammation and treating diaper rash. Experts say that Calendula works by stimulating the production of white blood cells that aid in destroying harmful microbes.

You can also use the actual herb by mixing it with boiling water, one cup of the boiling water to two teaspoons of the herb. Let it simmer for about ten minutes.

After the mixture has cooled, apply to the affected area by using a clean cloth.

7. Chamomile Essential Oil : Has anti inflammatory (anti-microbial) properties that soothes and eliminates an itchy skin rash and irritations.

Chamomile is also used in treating eczema, psoriasis, and sunburn. Please be aware, people who are normally allergic to grass and ragweed may acquire an allergic reaction to chamomile.

8. Jewelweed : Provides relief from poison oak, poison ivy rash, insect bites and bee stings.

To use, crush the fresh leaves into a ball and rub over the rash as quickly as possible

9. Wild Pansy : This is a European wild flower that soothes and relieves itching and skin irritations associated with eczema.

This is also used for soothing acne problems.

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