Friday, August 29, 2008

Foods and Vitamins to Beautify Your Skin

When it comes to caring for your skin, vitamins and good nutrition can be just as beneficial as a good skin care treatment. Vitamins are important in keeping your skin looking and feeling healthy. They can also help prevent and treat any problem areas and skin disorders, including itchy skin. This article discusses:

What are the vitamins that keep your skin healthy?
Which food products/items contain vitamins for a healthy skin?
Learn more on supplements that helps your skin to stay healthy

When it comes to caring for your skin, vitamins and good nutrition can be just as beneficial as a good skin care treatment. Vitamins are important in keeping your skin looking and feeling healthy. They can also help prevent and treat any problem areas and skin disorders. A bad diet that is lacking in vitamins can make your skin blotchy and lifeless, and itchy. When looking at your overall skin care, pay attention to your diet and ensure it includes the right vitamins good for skin care.

Vitamins and Minerals

Here are some of the best minerals and vitamins for healthy skin. Including these skin rejuvenating vitamins in your diet will help keep your skin looking healthy and free from problems.


Vitamin A is a very good vitamin for healthy skin. It helps strengthen the skin and repair tissues. It can be taken in foods, as a supplement or as a topical cream. Vitamin A can help prevent dry skin and acne. It can also be used to treat wrinkles.


Vitamin E is an antioxidant that can help prevent free radical damage to the skin. Vitamin E is a good vitamin to take when your skin is suffering some damage from the sun or other factors.


Vitamin C helps with healing wounds and other damage to the skin. There is some evidence to suggest it may rejuvenate the skin. Vitamin C will also help the immune system fight off illnesses.


Vitamin D is an antioxidant that may play a role in skin pigmentation.


Vitamin B helps keep your skin tone healthy. It is also a good vitamin for relieving stress, and so it may prevent some of the skin problems (like eczema) that can be caused by stress. There are a number of different vitamins in the vitamin B group.

Vitamin B1 is an antioxidant that helps rid the body of toxins. It can also assist circulation.
Vitamin B2 helps keep the skin healthy. It can also help prevent acne.
Vitamin B3 improves circulation.
Vitamin B5 helps reduce stress.
Vitamin B6 helps keep the immune system healthy.


Zinc helps the skin's natural healing process. It is good in preventing the over-production of sebum, which will also help clear up acne. Zinc also helps the immune system.

Foods to Eat for Clear Skin

Skin vitamins can be taken as nutritional supplements or they can be incorporated into your diet. Here are some foods good for your skin.


Vitamin A can be found in the following foods:

Whole milk
Breakfast cereal


Vitamin B can be found in the following foods:

Wheat germ
Whole wheat
Whole brown rice
Dairy products


Vitamin E can be found in the following foods:
Sunflower seeds
Peanut butter
Safflower oil


Vitamin C can be found in the following foods:
Green peppers


Vitamin D can be found in the following foods.
Fortified rice
Fortified margarine

Sunlight can also provide the body with vitamin D.


Zinc can be found in the following foods.

Dairy products
Beans and lentils
Pumpkin seeds

All of these foods contain good skin vitamins. Foods to eat for clear skin include anything from the list of foods for vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E. Vitamin C foods are good foods to tighten skin.


Eating vitamins good for skin, along with the right skin care treatment, can help keep your skin looking its very best, as well as reducing and preventing problem areas. The skin vitamins mentioned here are beneficial for everyone who wants healthy, problem-free skin.

Tips for Sensitive Skin Care

Sensitive skin care is more than just choosing the right sensitive skin care product. Sensitive skin has a low tolerance level to certain products or environmental conditions. People with sensitive skin may react quickly to chemicals, heat or wind by developing red, blotchy and irritated skin.

This following form part of this article:

What are the methodologies for dealing with oily skin?
Will fresh fruits and vegetables helps in having a healthy skin?
What is the role of artificial cream and supplements helps in skin care?
Sensitive skin care is more than just choosing the right sensitive skin care product. To provide the best sensitive skin care, you need an overall approach to providing the best possible care.

Sensitive skin has a low tolerance level to certain products or environmental conditions. People with sensitive skin may react quickly to chemicals, heat or wind by developing red, blotchy and irritated skin.

Different people have different levels of skin sensitivity. Some people may react to a product, while for others it produces no effect. Similarly, some people may have a very severe reaction, while others only have a mild reaction.

Problems Faced by People with Sensitive Skin

People with sensitive skin face many problems. The redness, irritation and blotchiness associated with sensitive skin can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. It can be annoying having to avoid everything that may cause sensitive skin to flare up. Providing the right sensitive skin care can be particularly difficult, as many skin products will have a negative effect.

Dealing with Sensitive Skin


Natural skin care can be an effective way of treating sensitive skin. Natural products are less likely to trigger the reaction that other products may have on sensitive skin. Here are some of the best natural ways to treat sensitive skin.

Food Intake and Hydration

Diet can play a big part in sensitive skin break outs. A healthy diet (containing plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables) will help skin look healthy. People with sensitive skin should pay attention to their diet and take note if any foods seem to trigger a sensitive skin reaction. Even some healthy foods may cause a reaction in some people, so do not discount these when you look at possible triggers. Hot and spicy foods are particularly likely to cause a negative effect.

People with healthy skin should also drink lots of water, which will help keep their skin hydrated. When skin is adequately hydrated, it is healthier and better able to fight off skin irritations.

Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies are very good for sensitive skin, because they are free from the harsh chemicals that can cause skin problems. Generally, products that contain natural ingredients will be better for your skin and less likely to cause a sensitive skin reaction. Try the following remedies for some special sensitive skin care.

Use almond or jojoba oil to cleanse your face.
Comfrey steeped in water can make a good toner.
Make a facial exfoliate by mixing grapefruit with oatmeal.
Make a face mask out of fruit.
Cucumber and yoghurt also makes a good face mask for sensitive skin.
Licorice is a good product for sensitive skin. Look for skin care products that contain licorice.
Aloe Vera can soothe skin that is red, irritated and blotchy. Apply directly to the skin.

Even when using natural products, people with sensitive skin need to be careful. As some sensitive skin reactions are caused by allergies, even organic products may cause an adverse reaction in someone. Check every product on a small area of your skin first, and stop using a product if it seems to be triggering the symptoms associated with sensitive skin.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Four Ways to Healing Your Itchy Skin , Eczema

The appearance of patches of reddened and inflamed itchy skin on various areas of the the face, the hands and the wrist occur during a condition called eczema, also known as dermatitis.

This patchy scaly skin can also affect the front of the elbows, the hands and the area behind the knees in the legs as the condition progresses.

However other areas of the body may equally be affected during the condition.

Scratching the affected skin can aggravate the condition to a great extent, unfortunately the affected areas of the skin tend to be very itchy and the desire to scratch such areas is almost irresistible.

The condition of eczema is very often hereditary in families where allergies to various types of substances are prominent.

The condition can be started by an allergic reaction or an allergy to foods, to various types of pollen, to many types of animal fur, and because of exposure to potentially allergenic substances in the environment.

Allergic hay fever often accompanies eczema, either that or it will tend to develop slowly in people already afflicted with eczema.

Histamine is a chemical active in the production of an allergic reaction in the skin, this chemical tends to be at higher levels than normal in people afflicted with the condition of eczema.

Eczema is triggered in many people who have some sort of exposure to various allergens in the environment.

These can include contact with various poisonous plants, poison ivy for example, the metal used in some types of jewelry, such as chrome or nickel, many types of synthetic and natural dyes, the chemicals present in various cosmetics and beauty products, the ingredients utilized to manufacture certain drugs and topical medications for application on the skin, and all sorts of cleaning agents which may or may not be corrosive to skin.

Prolonged exposure to sunlight, the presence of psychological factors like stress, and even an environment with dry and dehumidified air can bring about eczema.

Supplements and herbs for itchy skin

Eczema can be alleviated and relieved to a great extent through the use of supplements and herbal supplements The dry skin and itchiness can be reduced with

1. Vitamins A and E ,as symptoms reduce in intensity, lower the dosage of Vitamin A.

2. The allergic reaction of the body can also be lessened through the use of extracts of the seeds of grape, these extracts abound in antioxidant substances called flavonoids. These plant substances play an essential role in cellular processes.

3. Many external creams have chamomile or licorice extracts as ingredients, these make good topical applications for use on the affected areas of the skin, in people with eczema. The direct application of the cream or topical rub onto the skin can be very soothing , such lotions also reduce the levels of inflammation on the skin.

4. Horsetail herb contains silica which aids malnourished skin and can greatly relieve the symptoms of the itch .

However, the most effective, fastest, and safest herbs to get rid of your itchy skin are detailed in my ebook " How to Blast Your Allergies Away Forever ".

Where do allergies come from ?

Stop Allergies With These Safe, Natural Treatments

Almost everybody has suffered from an allergic reaction at least once in their life. It is estimated that about 36 million people in America are affected.

Allergies can affect several parts of the body at the same time, manifesting as asthma, food intolerance, eczema, dermatitis, hay fever, itching skin rash and migraine.

Just one of these can ruin and limit your enjoyment of life.

How uplifting can spring be if you know it will cause you untold discomfort and pain from hayfever; and how relaxing is a meal out if some of the ingredients might bring on a migraine that lasts for days?

But where do allergies come from ?

Allergies are an abnormal response of your immune system, which overreacts to exposure to substances called allergens.

These allergens can be anything from food ingredients, drugs, household dust or mites and cigarette smoke to animals.

Basically, your body misreads the substance and your immune system reacts as though you have come into contact with a poison.

It then tries to eliminate it from the body, and in this process, your immune system creates substances that irritate your tissues, substances bearing ominous names such as histamine, leukotrienes, interleukins and tumour necrosis factor.

The result is redness and inflammation of the tissues, pain or itching rashes of the skin, runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, diarhea, joint pains, dizziness and even shock that may be life-threatening.

Conventional drugs can cause all kinds of side effects, including some very severe ones. Remember, with allergies, your body's enemy is literally your over-reactive immune system, and the substances it produces to fight off what it mistakenly thinks are dangerous substances.

Histamine is one of the primary culprits in the allergic reaction, causing itching skin rash, itchiness and red patches of the skin. Conventional treatments such as antihistamines are taken following an allergic reaction and work by reducing histamine levels within your body and thereby reducing symptoms.

One of the main problems associated with the use of antihistamines is drowsiness, even though newer antihistamines are less likely to cause it.

However these, as well as older antihistamines, can cause a host of other side effects such as headache, difficulty in passing urine, nausea and vomiting. Rarely, conventional antihistamines may also cause palpitations, and liver damage.

Control inflammation naturally with fatty acids from fish :

The good news is that the inflammation process can be controlled by using natural supplements such as omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. These are the 'good' type of fats found in oily fish, flax seed oil and perilla oil .

An antioxidant to strengthen your immune system :

Certain antioxidants, such as grape seed extract can be used to fortify your immune system and make it better able to cope with the onslaught of allergens.

Grape seed extracts contain natural plant chemicals called bioflavonoids, which work to reduce the allergic reaction. These are just a few ways to reduce allergies.

However, the most effective and fastest ways to blast your allergies away forever are detailed in my ebook " How to blast your allergies away forever !".

Thursday, August 7, 2008

9 all natural home remedies for your dry, itchy skin

Itchy skin can be painful and irritating, and it makes you want to scratch it, but scratching it often makes it worse.

There are a number of things that can cause itchy skin, two of the main culprits are eczema and dryness.

The good news is that there are some ways which can help to reduce itchy skin.

Usually, itchy skin is caused by dryness, which is why it is a common problem in the winter. Start by keeping your skin moisturized.

In extremely dry areas, consider using a humidifier to raise the humidity in your home, which will help to keep your skin moisturized and flexible.

You should also avoid extremely hot showers, abrasive soaps, and skin products which contain alcohol and other drying agents.

After bathing, pat your skin mostly dry and apply a rich moisturizer or oil to condition, soothe, and moisturize your skin.

Reapply your moisturizer at several points during the day

In addition to keeping your skin moist, you should also avoid tight, scratchy clothing, which can irritate the skin.

Many people also have itchy skin because they are allergic to something, so stick with natural fibers, try to avoid carpeting, and use mild hypoallergenic soaps and detergents.

Soothing baths can also help with itchy skin. . Keep soothing baths tepid, rather than hot.

Other home remedies include the following :

1. Aloe Vera : This gel-like substance from cut Aloe is widely known for treating skin burns and sunburns.

Aloe vera also helps in healing wounds and minor skin irritations such as an itchy skin rash.

The Aloe plant produces anti inflammatory, anti bacterial, and anti fungal properties.

It also contains folic acid, zinc, and vitamins C and E.

The best way to get the benefits of aloe vera is to use the fresh gel from the plant.
At the time of application, slice off a portion of the leaf and directly apply the gel to the affected area.

Aloe Vera is also great to heal sunburns.

2. Lemon a natural antiseptic which can soothe itchy skin. Squeeze fresh lemon juice onto itchy spot and allow it to dry.

3. Cloves and juniper berries can help to soothe itchy skin, and are often found suspended in salves.

To make your own, melt butter and beeswax in equal amounts before adding fresh ground cloves and juniper berries to the mixture, stirring, and allowing it to cool. Spread it directly on the skin

4. Mint, thyme and basil can also help with itchy skin : Try adding them to a bath, or making a tea out of one or all of these spices and dipping a washcloth in it. Run the washcloth gently all over the body to ease itchy skin.

5. Witch Hazel: Acts as an astringent that relieves an itchy skin rash as well as more serious skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.

Because of its anti-oxidant properties it is also used for treating sunburn. For maximum benefit, use fresh witch hazel bark.

Simmer one ounce of the bark with one pint of water and leave for ten minutes. Strain and cool. Apply with a clean cloth and leave it on for 30 minutes.

6. Calendula Essential Oil : Calendula is widely used for reducing inflammation and treating diaper rash. Experts say that Calendula works by stimulating the production of white blood cells that aid in destroying harmful microbes.

You can also use the actual herb by mixing it with boiling water, one cup of the boiling water to two teaspoons of the herb. Let it simmer for about ten minutes.

After the mixture has cooled, apply to the affected area by using a clean cloth.

7. Chamomile Essential Oil : Has anti inflammatory (anti-microbial) properties that soothes and eliminates an itchy skin rash and irritations.

Chamomile is also used in treating eczema, psoriasis, and sunburn. Please be aware, people who are normally allergic to grass and ragweed may acquire an allergic reaction to chamomile.

8. Jewelweed : Provides relief from poison oak, poison ivy rash, insect bites and bee stings.

To use, crush the fresh leaves into a ball and rub over the rash as quickly as possible

9. Wild Pansy : This is a European wild flower that soothes and relieves itching and skin irritations associated with eczema.

This is also used for soothing acne problems.