Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Eczema, and what to do about extremely dry itchy skin

Characterised by extremely dry, inflamed and itchy skin, eczema is a very common problem that affects one in ten of us.
When eczema ( itchy skin) develops early in life, it is mainly referred to as atopic and usually runs in families with a history of allergies such as hayfever and asthma.

Certain household allergens such as dust, house-mites and animal danders seem to provoke flare-ups. Outbreaks of eczema can also be triggered by viral infections and stress.

Eczema (itchy skin) usually appears on the inner arms, especially elbows, backs of knees and wrists but in severe cases may affect the whole body.

Sometimes tiny itchy blisters appear and the skin can be weepy. Scratching itchy skin can allow germs to pass into the skin which leads to infection.

Eczema also occurs when the skin reacts to certain irritants such as nickel in jewellery, perfumes and plastics. This may also be referred to as contact dermatitis. Long-term use of hydro-cortisone creams makes the skin thinner and more easily damaged.

Here are some better natural alternatives :

Try applying a compress, made with an infusion of chamomile, to itchy skin and inflamed areas. Apply some aloe vera gel to the skin .

• The omega-3 and -6 fatty acids are particularly helpful for eczema sufferers. As well as moisturising skin from within, they also reduce inflammation. It is well worth supplementing your diet with a combination of cod liver oil and borage oil capsules. Zinc, vitamin C and B6 are also important nutrients for promoting skin healing.

• As stress aggravates eczema, finding a way to stay calm and composed helps keep flare-ups at bay. Be sure your diet is rich in anti-stress B vitamins.

• Chinese herbal medicine is often successful at treating skin problems such as eczema. Treatment is specially tailored to each individual.

• Reduce exposure to dust and house-mites as well as any known allergens. Investing in anti-dust-mite bedding often reduces eczema flare-ups.
Wear pure cotton, silk and soft natural fibres next to your skin – avoid prickly wool.

Food allergies can also trigger and exacerbate eczema.

The above remedies take a lot of patience and time.

There is a much faster and effective natural remedy for eczema ( itchy skin ) which is detailed in my book How To Blast Your Allergies Away Forever ! You can check it out here http://www.thenaturalremedies.com

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