Sunday, August 10, 2008

Four Ways to Healing Your Itchy Skin , Eczema

The appearance of patches of reddened and inflamed itchy skin on various areas of the the face, the hands and the wrist occur during a condition called eczema, also known as dermatitis.

This patchy scaly skin can also affect the front of the elbows, the hands and the area behind the knees in the legs as the condition progresses.

However other areas of the body may equally be affected during the condition.

Scratching the affected skin can aggravate the condition to a great extent, unfortunately the affected areas of the skin tend to be very itchy and the desire to scratch such areas is almost irresistible.

The condition of eczema is very often hereditary in families where allergies to various types of substances are prominent.

The condition can be started by an allergic reaction or an allergy to foods, to various types of pollen, to many types of animal fur, and because of exposure to potentially allergenic substances in the environment.

Allergic hay fever often accompanies eczema, either that or it will tend to develop slowly in people already afflicted with eczema.

Histamine is a chemical active in the production of an allergic reaction in the skin, this chemical tends to be at higher levels than normal in people afflicted with the condition of eczema.

Eczema is triggered in many people who have some sort of exposure to various allergens in the environment.

These can include contact with various poisonous plants, poison ivy for example, the metal used in some types of jewelry, such as chrome or nickel, many types of synthetic and natural dyes, the chemicals present in various cosmetics and beauty products, the ingredients utilized to manufacture certain drugs and topical medications for application on the skin, and all sorts of cleaning agents which may or may not be corrosive to skin.

Prolonged exposure to sunlight, the presence of psychological factors like stress, and even an environment with dry and dehumidified air can bring about eczema.

Supplements and herbs for itchy skin

Eczema can be alleviated and relieved to a great extent through the use of supplements and herbal supplements The dry skin and itchiness can be reduced with

1. Vitamins A and E ,as symptoms reduce in intensity, lower the dosage of Vitamin A.

2. The allergic reaction of the body can also be lessened through the use of extracts of the seeds of grape, these extracts abound in antioxidant substances called flavonoids. These plant substances play an essential role in cellular processes.

3. Many external creams have chamomile or licorice extracts as ingredients, these make good topical applications for use on the affected areas of the skin, in people with eczema. The direct application of the cream or topical rub onto the skin can be very soothing , such lotions also reduce the levels of inflammation on the skin.

4. Horsetail herb contains silica which aids malnourished skin and can greatly relieve the symptoms of the itch .

However, the most effective, fastest, and safest herbs to get rid of your itchy skin are detailed in my ebook " How to Blast Your Allergies Away Forever ".

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