Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Help !! What to do if you don't have your herbal remedies on hand.

Spring’s pollens. Summer’s smog. Autumn’s falling leaves. Winter’s house dust. For millions of Americans, each change of season brings its own brand of allergens and irritants. For people with common hay fever and allergies, itchy skin, these pollutants can bring on symptoms ranging from a continuous, annoying postnasal drip to a full-scale, coughing-sneezing-itchy-eyed allergy attack. For other allergy sufferers, such as those with allergic asthma or an allergy to bee stings, attacks can be fatal.

If you forgot to get your herbal remedies by the time allergy season comes around, don't panic, the following tips are designed to help reduce the symptoms until you do.

Avoid the culprit:

Sometimes, the best way to reduce the discomfort of an allergy is to avoid exposure to the allergen as much as possible . Take all practical measures . For example, if you are allergic to cats, avoid visiting the homes of friends who own them. If you must be around a cat, make the visit as short as possible and avoid touching or picking up the animal .

Rinse your eyes:

If your eyes are itchy and irritated and you have no access to allergy remedies, rinsing your eyes with cool, clean water may help soothe them

Try a warm washcloth:

If sinus passages feel congested and painful, a washcloth soaked in warm water may make things flow a little easier Place the washcloth over the nose and upper-cheek area and relax for a few minutes

Beware of the air:

Air pollution may augment allergies and may actually induce people to have allergies, staying outside as little as possible on smoggy days will help .
Keep the windows shut: During pollen season, this can be a terrific advantage for those with pollen allergies. Closed windows will keep pollen out of the house or apartment.

Dust with a damp cloth:

Dusting at least once a week is important-but if done improperly, it may aggravate respiratory allergies.Avoid the use of feather dusters, which tend to spread dust around, and opt instead to contain the dust with a damp cloth. Dusting sprays may give off odors that can worsen allergies

Don’t dust at all:

If dusting aggravates your allergies, don’t do it. Instead, ask a spouse or family member to do the dirty work, or hire a housekeeper, if possible


Dust mites (microscopic insects that are usually the allergy culprits in dust) grow very well in humid areas. Invest in a dehumidifier or use the air conditioner, which works equally well. A dehumidifier can also help prevent mold, another allergen, from growing. When cooking or showering, take advantage of the exhaust fan­another way to help keep humidity to a minimum.

Cut through the smoke:

Pay attention to what you are throwing in the fireplace
Many people with respiratory allergies find that wood smoke poses a particular problem
Leave the lawn mowing to someone else: During pollen season, a grass-allergic person is better off letting someone else -mow the lawn

Wash your pet:

A little-known trick for cat or dog owners who are allergic to fur: Bathe your pet frequently. “There is strong evidence that simply bathing the animal in warm water substantially reduces the amount of allergen on the animal’s fur. Animals secrete substances from their sweat glands and their saliva-it is water soluble and you can rinse it off. If you’re a cat owner and can’t imagine bathing your beloved feline for fear of being scratched near to death, take heart: there have been surveys wa conducted where it was discovered that one out of ten cats will purr when bathed. If they are started as kittens, chances are higher that bath time will be a harmonious experience A bath in warm water, with no soap, once every other week is recommended.

In addition to bathing your pet, try to wash your hands soon after you’ve had direct contact with your furry friend.

Make sure your final rinse really rinses:
Chemicals in detergents and other laundry products can cause itchy skin in many people . There really are no mild detergents It’s important that the final rinse cycle on your machine thoroughly rinses the detergent from your clothes.

Call ahead: When planning a vacation or business trip, call ahead to find a room that will be easier on your allergies. Ask for a room that’s not on the lower level, because a room on the lower level may have been flooded in the past and may still be a haven for mold growth. Shop around for a hotel or motel that doesn’t allow pets, so you won’t be subject to the leftover dander of the last traveler’s dog or cat. If possible, bring your own vinyl- or plastic-encased pillow.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Natural Ways to Keep Skin Healthy

Here are some tips for healthy skin, using natural products.


One of the top tips for healthy skin care is to eat healthy foods. Here are some of the best foods for healthy skin.

Foods containing Omega-3 fatty acids (eg. Tuna, mackerel, herrings and sardines)
Foods containing Vitamin A or beta-carotene (eg. Sweet potato, carrot, mango and spinach)
Foods containing zinc (e.g. Beef, peanuts, roasted pumpkin)
Fresh fruit and vegetables


Skin hydration is very important, especially for people with dry skin. Drinking lots of water is one way of keeping skin hydrated. Water also helps brings nutrients to the skin.. Cold weather and hot water can dry out skin, so these should be avoided as much as possible. People with dry skin should always wear a sunscreen, even during winter.


Getting a good night's sleep is important for healthy skin care. As people sleep, skin rejuvenation takes place and the cells undergo a process of repair. This is important because this is the time when the skin is restored and recovers from any harm it has suffered during the day. To help skin stay healthy, you should ensure you get at least seven (preferably eight) hours of sleep a night. Make-up can interfere with the skin's rejuvenation process, so all make-up should be removed before going to bed.


Natural supplements can keep your skin looking healthy. Anti aging supplements can help prevent signs of aging. Natural supplements can also help fix some common problems. Here are some of the best natural and anti-ageing supplements for healthy skin.

Primrose Oil
Vitamin A
Vitamin E
Zinc (to help heal damaged skin)


Herbs can be great in maintaining healthy skin and for treating problem skin. Here are some tips for herbal skin care, including tips for facial skin problems.

Aloe vera is good for all types of skin.
Dry skin. Make a facial sauna with comfrey or calendula. Drink chamomile, dandelion or peppermint tea.
Oily skin. Apply witch hazel onto the skin to absorb oil. Make a facial sauna using lemongrass and rosebuds.


Herbs can also be useful in general cleansing of the skin of different types. Effective skin cleansers can be made using vegetable oils.

For a toner, use rosewater for dry skin and witch hazel for oily skin. You can also infuse herbs and use the water as a toner.


Although many of the tips already covered can also be considered anti aging tips, here are a few more tips to help prevent ageing of skin and wrinkles.

Avoid exposing your skin to the sun. If you need to go out in the sun, use a sunscreen and wear a hat.
Avoid exposing your skin to heat (this includes hot water).
Learn to relax your face.
Quit smoking.

Healthy Skin

By following the skin care tips, the tips for healthy skin and the anti-aging tips outlined in this article, your skin will feel great and look healthy.

You can find all this information and more to protect you and your family in my ebook How to Blast Your Allergies Away Forever !